Ten-Minute Write, No. 6
Faht came in, and everyone was laughing.
Ok, so maybe the purple pimp hat was a bad idea, he thought. The trouble with John Faht was that not only was he intensely serious about silly things, but he had the ability to see himself behaving this way and know just how much he looked like an ass. One might wonder: If he could see all this, couldn’t he change? But no. No matter how much time went by, Faht stayed the same.
Oh, poor Faht. He was a truly miserable and lost soul.
But he walked into that conference room bravely, and took off the purple pimp hat and set it on the table with a smile for everyone who was there making fun of him. Yes, this was the life of John Faht. This was how it went, day in, day out.
Sometimes it seemed that everything was just one big Faht.