Daily Words: Back on the Clock
I’m officially announcing that I Held My Breath as Long as I Could will be published for all manner of ebook readers this October. It’s going to be a wild, weird collection, and it will feature one nonfiction piece, a good smattering of my favorite ten-minute writes, as well as short stories, new and old (there will be some which haven’t yet seen the light of day on this site). And the best part?
It’s going to cost $1.
That’s right. I’m asking so little that Amazon.com won’t allow me to take 70% royalty on this one. I’m going to get $0.35 on the dollar for this effort.
Additionally, I’m going to put as little DRM on this sucker as possible. Meaning that if you really want to, you can pass the file to another person with a Kindle, and they’ll be able to read it just fine.
You know, like you would a real book.
I care more that people read the stories than I do that they pay. Although payment is nice, because one day I would love to only have to write for a living.
What this means for me in the short term is that I’m writing again. I’ve actively worked on this collection for the last six days straight, and I’m back to my old 500 words-a-day rate (even though the collection already was, in large part, on the page, there’s still stuff to expand and improve on). Should be around 55,000-60,000 words upon completion.
And there’s no room to budge on this one. I’m treating it like a hard and fast deadline.
I’m publishing this fucker in the beginning of October.
This is real. As real as self-publishing can be, anyway.